Thursday, April 17, 2014

Young Disciples Are Called Forth

Holy Thursday -the remembrance of the Lord's Last Supper when he washed the feet of His 12 Apostles and telling them to do likewise-be a servant leader.

Fr. Ariel Lustan, Pastor of Our Lady of the Mountains Parish, did the same at the Holy Thursday Services. Fr. Ariel chose 12 boys to have their feet washed. They were from 4th-8th grade; six were from All Saints Catholic School and six were from the Religious Ed. Program of the Parish.

Fr. Ariel told the parishioners before Mass started that he chose to wash the feet of the youngest disciples  of our Parish in hopes that they will go out and serve others and also that some of them might be a priest some day to serve the church.

The disciples processed into church and took their places in front-six on each side.

Father A was assisted at Mass by Deacon Jose, who as a Deacon is ordained to serve the church.


Father Ariel's Homily talked about the "Four Bones in the Parish"

1. Wishbone-wish the parish would do this, wish the parish would have this but does nothing to make the wishes come true.

2. Jawbone-They talk a lot about people behind their backs, cutting them down, not building them up.

3. Knucklebone-They knock people down when ever they can by criticizing what others do.

4. BACKBONE-Responsible for making the body stand erect. These people in the parish help the parish accomplish ideas and helps the parish to grow.


Washing the feet with soap


Mother Teresa told us not to be afraid to touch the feet of anyone. It is a service to wash the feet of others. When Mother Teresa washed the feet of someone whose feet were very scarred, the person said-"You couldn't pay me a million dollars to wash the feet of others like this." And Mother Teresa replied, "You couldn't pay me either."

Repeating what Jesus did to the 12 Apostles the night before He died.

After the Washing of the Feet, the oils were brought forth that were blessed by Bishop Kicanas on Monday at St. Augustine's Cathedral in Tucson at The Chrism Mass.
Oil of Catechumens, Oil of the Sick, Sacred Chrism
At the consecration of the Mass, Fr. Ariel, changed the unleaven bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ (transubstantiation) just like Christ did at the Last Supper.
The Body of Christ was then broken and all ate of it.
At the close of Mass all processed out of church behind the Blessed Sacrament.

Processing outside to the Parish Hall where Adoration will take place till midnight. We, too, like the Apostles, are asked to stay awake and pray with Our Lord as He did that night in the Garden of Olives; asking His Father in heaven for the strength to do the Father's will. May we too ask God what His will is for us and may we have the strength to accept it and do it-may we be a "backbone".

Come and pray with me a little while.

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