Monday, August 26, 2013


The school theme for our new school year is "Journeying With Pope Francis!" The Pope has the eyes and ears of the whole world and this includes my students. They have been watching and listening to him. He is easy to quote and follow. As a faculty we decided that each month we would select one of Pope Francis' quotes and do an action plan with the students with the quote. August we journeyed with him in taking care of the environment as he encouraged us to " be one with the environment."

Tuesday, August 20th was Environment Day at our school. In the afternoon the whole school was outside picking up trash on different parts of the playgrounds, parking lot, church courtyard, prayer garden and the grounds in front of the school and church. The students loved it.

After the clean up all grades returned to their classrooms for a lesson on preserving the environment. Here are some of the projects:
Kindergarten developed a bowling game using recycled yogurt bottles from their lunch for the pins.
They also used empty toilet paper rolls to create an old fashion marble roll game!  What creative thinking!!

Toilet paper and paper towels rolls make the best art projects.

The bagel is buried under the birdseed-see the little hill?

Grade 1 used a half of a bagel, spread it with peanut butter and then dipped it and rolled it in bird seed. Hang it at your house and you are feeding lots of birds.


2 hands action!  While waiting licking my peanut butter fingers :):)

 A little dab here yet!

Grades 2 and 3 used all recycled materials to create an Art Creation.

Creative Minds at Work!

Grades 4 and 5 drew a floor plan of their home and indicated what they could do in some of the rooms to save energy.

Taking a shower instead of a bath saves water. Another student was going to close the shades when the sun is shining to cut down on the A/C running.
Grades 6 and 7 are still working on their project. It will appear soon.

September's theme is a quote of Pope Francis from the World Youth Days:
" A shepherd should smell like the sheep.  I'm not here to be served - I'm here to serve. ." Check us out in September to see how we carry this quote out.  What can you do to carry out the shepherd quote?



  1. I am sure Pope Francis will keep everyone creatively thinking and doing in the months ahead! Continue to enjoy the challenge! We look forward to hearing more month by month!

  2. I salute your creative ways to meld church and society! I loved the pictures and the ideas of the students and teachers. I eagerly await the grande 7-8 project report.

    May the Lord bless all your comings and goings!

  3. Wonderful trip - thanks for taking us with you. Prayerfully from Fatima, Alan
