Thursday, March 28, 2013

Disciples' Feet of Many Nations Were Washed

Holy Thursday begins the Triduum-the three holiest days in the Catholic Church. 

The washing of the feet is a tradition at the Holy Thursday liturgy. Christ washed the feet of the 12 Apostles and then told them to go out and do as I did to you.

Fr. Ariel Lustan, Pastor at Our Lady of the Mountains Catholic Church, took this literally and chose to wash the feet of parishioners who come from many different countries. 
The disciples arriving from Mexico, Korea, China, U.S.A., Continent of Africa, Poland, Germany, Italy, Arab Nations, Scotland, and The Islands of the Philippines.

Korea, China, Handicapped Children of the World, Scotland, Mexico, Arab Nations

One by one the global disciples came down to the front of the altar to have their foot washed by Father Ariel.
Father A poured the cleansing water first onto the foot.

The disciple was embraced, as Christ did on the night before He died.

The foot was scrubbed with soap.

 Father Ariel kissed the feet of many nations this Holy Thursday night.

Disciple from Germany -Wolfgang

The disciple from the Philippines came late but just in time to be the 13th disciple to have his foot washed. He was out doing service as Christ has told us to do - on call at the hospital in Sierra Vista.

The Disciples were then told by Fr. Ariel, as I have done to you, go now and wash the feet of others. The disciples then got a pitcher of water, a basin, bar of soap and a towel and washed the feet of those sitting in the pews.

The oils that were blessed at Monday's Chrism Mass were then presented to Fr. Ariel and the congregation. 

 Oil of Catechumens, Oil of the Sick and Sacred Chrism

Unleaven bread was made for the Eucharist tonight. Everyone receiving the Body of Christ tonight could literally "take and eat". 

Fr. Ariel carried the Blessed Sacrament in procession to the Parish Hall where the Garden of Olives was created. 

 All were invited to stay awhile and pray as Jesus invited his Apostles to do before he was betrayed by Judas Iscariot.

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