Monday, January 14, 2013

Our Lady of the Mountains Rectory Project

Sunday, we celebrated the Baptism of the Lord. Our pastor, Rev. Ariel Lustan, did a power point presentation for his homily. He used the word RICE since it is a staple in the Philippines and Korea and we have many from these countries in our parish. He used the acronym to explain what Baptism does for us.
E for empowerment led into the 2nd part of his homily which was:
He was empowering the people to take on the challenge of building a rectory. Our parish has been in existence for 21 years and still no rectory for the priest. Fr. Ariel lives in a rented house.

After Mass I drove to where the rectory would be built once the money is raised. Come on along on the ride with me.
We go behind church and the parish hall passing our columbarium.
You can see the mountains already which surround us on all sides.
I turn right onto Yaqui Street----
and it appears you are going to drive off into the mountains, as the road does end in a little ways. But instead I take the first right onto...
where the rectory will be built and this will be the new address of our parish priest. So far there is only one house on this road. The church owns the land all the way behind the church and playground so right now it is undeveloped.
Here is the site for the proposed rectory...
As you can see it looks down upon the church. Just a quick walk to Mass :):):)
Here is the view from up here:
I would love to live here amidst the mountains, coyotes, deer, javelinas and so on. I know there is enough land to put a second building here-a convent-why not? :):):)

I drove back down and looked at the property from the school playground. As I was getting ready to take some pictures I met one of our neighbors walking her rescue horse from Montana and her two dachshunds.

This is usually a daily walk for them. I still laugh when I go to the mailbox and see lots of hoof prints all over the dirt. Pony express picking up the mail always -as many other horses are ridden to our school mailbox.
Here is the view from the school playground looking up at the proposed site for the new rectory.

I attended the 5:00pm Mass also that Sunday and this is the view we looked out on once Fr. Ariel finished his homily.

Perfect site for a house of prayer and a parish rectory. 

Blessings upon all the donors who will be working hard to make the 
Our Lady of the Mountains Rectory a reality.

1 comment:

  1. May the Lord bless you and all as you dream dreams for the Catholic Community in Sierra Vista!
