Saturday, April 25, 2015

First Holy Communion - A Day We All Remember

Think back to your First Holy Communion Day ...... I am sure you clearly remember the day!

So much goes into this day that keeps that day very memorable for all of us who received this beautiful Sacrament! We remember the practices in church before the big day, the haircut, perms, shopping for a dress, a veil, white shoes and for the boys a haircut and the first suit!

Our parents, grandparents, godparents, our teacher and our principal are so proud of us! A day we all remember forever.

All Saints Catholic School of Our Lady of the Mountains Parish celebrated the Sacrament of First Holy Communion on Saturday, April 25.

After the group picture was taken before Mass students waited anxiously for the Mass to begin and for all their invited guests to come to church.

Finally the church bells rang out 10:00am and it was time to process into church as they practiced many times -slow, hands folded like "church steeples" and leave a space in between the person in front of you-better for pictures.

After the students did the readings at Mass it was time for the Offertory Procession and to bring up the bread and wine that will soon be changed into the Body and Blood of Christ.

The beautiful rosaries, Bibles and crosses given as First Communion gifts are blessed. 

First Holy Communion Certificates are presented to each First Communicant 

Pictures and pictures were taken with the happy and proud children - a day they will always remember. 

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Welcome to the Church

Holy Saturday was a memorable day for four young people who came into the Catholic Church at Our Lady of the Mountains Parish in Sierra Vista.. The special  memory began in the church's courtyard with the Holy Saturday fire.
The candidates and catechumens make the fire go stronger by burning their retreat letters. 

 Procession into a dark church with the Paschal Candle-Christ our Light!
 Candidates and Catechumens are presented to Father Mike, our pastor.

 Preparing to be Baptized
 Baptism- you are now a member of the Catholic Church
 Sponsors put their hands on their shoulders for support as they walked with them the whole time during the RCIA program.
They now receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.

"Be sealed with the Holy Spirit" 

 They are anointed with the oil of chrism.

You are now a full member in the Catholic Church. 

Fr. Mike is incensing the altar on Holy Saturday Night. 

The next day, the new members of the church returned for the 9:30am Mass on Easter Sunday. 

Fr. Manuel blessing the people with the Holy Water of Holy Saturday Night.

I had the privilege of reading at the Easter Sunday Mass.
The Presentation of the gifts are brought up by one of our school families. 

On Holy Saturday, the Catholic Church really grew as new members throughout the world were brought into the church.