St. Francis of Assisi Day Friday, October 4, 2013 ------- A Beautiful day of Sunshine!
At All Saints Catholic School in Sierra Vista, we celebrate St. Francis of Assisi Day by having an outdoor Mass where all pets were welcome to attend too with their owners and that they did. As we waited for Mass to start we heard lots of dogs and cats-the birds did not sing though.
It was the first Friday of the month so we had to wait for Fr. Ariel Lustan, pastor, to have benediction to close the 24 exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. This gave time for the pets to get adjusted to being most likely at their first Catholic Mass.
Grades 2 and 3 were the lectors at Mass and they read like professionals, for some it was their first time reading at Mass.
Fr. Ariel gave his homily and he didn't stop once even when some of the dogs in the back got into a very noisy scuffle.
Not sure if she wants a blessing-just like a baby at Baptism. |
This beautiful dog was a service dog but after so many years he has to be retired. The neighbors were thrilled to become his new owner. |
This little lady never made a sound through the whole Mass. A dogbone for her!
A lot of holy water was used on this little guy.
A turtle blessing
Kitty cats were blessed after the dogs were done.
The song birds received a blessing too!
Our neighbors brought their 6 rescue dogs for a blessing. The big dog is blind and going deaf but dearly loved.
Our neighbors' horses wanted a blessing on St. Francis Day too!
Making a wish-may I please have a puppy like this.
Students who helped put the chairs away took time to pet the dogs that were just blessed. The dogs loved the extra attention.
A smooch from my adopted friend. |